Dates and Information

The 2025 Washington International Competition (WIC) for Strings (violin, viola, and cello) is underway. From September 15, 2024 through February 15, 2025, young artists ages 18 to 30 (as of May 23, 2025) can submit applications to compete in the Preliminary Round of the competition via

Semifinalists for the 2025 WIC for Strings will be announced by mid-March 2025. The semifinalists will then be invited to join our distinguished panel of jurors for the semifinal round at George Washington University May 23-24, 2025.

Finalists will then be selected to perform in the Terrace Theater at the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts on May 25, 2025 to a live audience.

Additional details about the competition can be found below.


Friday, May 23, 2025 and Saturday, May 24, 2025

  • Semifinals will take place at George Washington University’s Phillips Hall (basement level) at 801 22nd Street, NW in Washington, D.C.


Sunday, May 25, 2025

  • Finals will take place on Sunday, May 25, 2025, at the Terrace Theater of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington, D.C.

2025 WIC for Strings Judges

 Jennifer Koh, Violin
 Yura Lee, Violin & Viola
 Matthew Zalkind, Cello


  • $40,000 in total prizes!

Performance Awards

Winners are eligible for Performance Awards of solo appearance opportunities  in the Washington, DC area, including an appearance with the FMMC Avanti Orchestra.

Information For Interested Applicants


Applicants must be between the ages of 18 and 30 (as of the date of the competition). Proof of age will be required. Applicants must not be under professional management. Previous first-prize winners of the competition and current students of the judges may not apply.


All applications must be submitted through The application portal is now open.

  • All applicants must submit video recordings of up to 35 minutes total for the preliminary round. The music for the video submissions must be chosen from your required repertoire selections. Each work must be recorded with one camera in a single, unedited take, with the applicant’s hands and face visible at all times. The music selected for the recordings should present a representative sample of the applicant’s abilities and strengths.
  • For more detailed requirements, see the Guidelines pages for each instrument.
  • A list of format and other video instructions can be found on Acceptd’s HelpDesk.


  • DO NOT include any identifying information for yourself or your school in the videos or the titles of the video files.
  • All submitted video selections must come from the submitted repertoire list.
  • No changes to repertoire will be allowed after the application is finalized.
  • Applicants must be prepared to present all repertoire on their list if chosen to participate in the semifinals.

Note: The deadline for preliminary round application submissions is February 15, 2025, by 11:59 pm EST.

Required Repertoire

  1. One unaccompanied sonata, partita, or suite for violin, viola (transcribed), or cello by J.S. Bach
  2. One sonata with piano from any period
  3. One concerto or major piece with orchestra by a composer other than the ones chosen for category 1 or 2
  4. One short work or movement from a longer work which shows virtuosity
  5. One unaccompanied solo work by a 19th, 20th, or 21st-century composer
  • Repertoire must include at least one work composed after 1970.
  • Repertoire must include at least one work by a composer from one of the following historically underrepresented demographics: Women; Black; of Asian, Middle-Easter, Native American or Latino/a (originating from Latin America) heritage. The same work may be used to meet both of these requirements.
  • The submitted repertoire program should be a minimum of 60 minutes.

Regulations and Instructions

    1. All selections, with the exceptions listed above, must be performed from memory, both on the video and in the live auditions.
    2. No changes to submitted applications will be permitted past the deadline date of February 15, 2025, 11:59 EST.
    3. Contestants should be prepared to perform all submitted repertoire in its entirety for the semifinal and final rounds.
    4. Repertoire for the preliminary round MUST be the same for the semifinal and final rounds.
    5. A separate preliminary round jury will review submissions and select approximately 30 semifinalists.
    6. All applicants will be notified of the results by the end of March 2025.
    7. Selected semifinalists will be sent further instructions after the results of the preliminary round have been made public.

Housing and Transportation

  • The WIC provides local housing and a collaborative pianist for all selected semifinalists.
  • Local transportation and meals are also offered at the convenience of the hosts.
  • Housing is available for all semifinalists from May 23 to May 27, 2025.

Additional Information

  1. The FMMC Foundation assumes no responsibility for actions of or injuries sustained by applicants or their escorts during their course of stay in the Washington, DC area.
  2. All contestants are responsible for transportation to and from Washington, DC.
  3. The decision of the judges is final and not to be disputed. No contact with the judges is permitted until after the results have been announced.
  4. The WIC reserves the right to use any recordings or photographs originated during the competitions, or any photographs or recordings provided by the contestants.